Human mind is capable of strange imaginations. If let run wild, it comes up with all sorts of unimaginable enigma.
We do not have to cautiously make an effort to imagine, imagination runs wild without we even noticing it, totally justifying use of the adjective.
Such a wild mischief of my thoughts led me to something that merits a mention in this blog. I wonder if I will be able to put forth what I wish to given my limited knowledge of words.
It was nothing more than the usual self talk that all of us carry out at all the times. But when we are about to retire to the bed, free of all the tasks of the day, and have not yet thought about the coming day, it is then that we completely let go the leash and let the imagination run wild through the thought-jungle.
Not of a tense and undirected person but this day, being of a person loud awake in his head, I tended to think what my purpose and objective should be?
Of the being itself!
Of being a son, brother, citizen, student, teacher, mentor and all those roles that I am juggling every day.
Not only (the purpose and objective) of being but also of what I am about to be in the coming times as well. What would complete the purpose of being on this planet? Of being human and being able to analyze and act on the basis of the same? One question followed another answer and the recursion continued till I was no longer able to comprehend my own thoughts and I let go. Decided just to be what I can at a time and invest to be better and better at that. Hoping that the rest will take care of itself as it does for rest of the world.
But imagination is not limited and the previous conclusion ignited another splinter in my head. Why it was so that I had to give up on the answer to previous thought?
And this time the Goddess of Black Pearls swirled her magic wand and dropped a Black Pearl in my lap.
Lets repeat the question. Why I had to give up on the answer?
Maybe because it is not supposed to be answered by a human mind? No. I am not the best mind, there have been and are thinkers and saints that have vivid thoughts on life. I am just a spec of dust in front of them. Maybe they can answer it.
So does it comes out to be that the question was, but the answer was beyond my comprehension of the world till now? I like a curious person, who has touched the candle flame, and knows how hot it is, now perhaps wanted to feel how hot is the Sun! Even if someone presents the Sun in front of him, he will perish long before he is able to feel the limit of radiation it exudes.
Sun here being a metaphor for incomprehensible amount of knowledge that lies within the universe, I being an incapable mind in comparison to that.
There are undoubtedly many more questions that our mind can raise but the answers to them, we cannot contemplate or even comprehend if someone, within us or outside, attempts to enlighten us on the same. Like a scientist explaining theory of relativity to an illiterate, all the explaining and argumentation will have no effect on the illiterate's faith in the fact that time cannot be stretched if we move faster than light. Corollary? We will stay illiterate from some aspect of this world, the life and its mechanisms.
I only wish that I be enlightened to what I can comprehend and the rest I shall take to be based on some divine wisdom that only the Goddess of Black Pearls chooses to distribute. Till she chooses me, I feel blessed thriving in the ignorance of the unknown and incomprehensible.