Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soul talk!

[Disclaimer: The following is a fictitious discussion based on various black pearls gathered over the time. Any resemblance to any person or situation known to human history will be considered a matter of coincidence]

2:42 AM 
Soul: hi
Blogger: Hello. How are you doing?
2:44 AM        
Soul: Dun knw
Blogger: Strange! Are you drunk?
2:46 AM     
Blogger: Why you have not slept yet?
Soul: I am fine and okay. Dun wry.
2:50 AM 
Blogger: You are not sounding like you are telling me you are. What's the matter?     
Soul: actly m nt able to ctrl stuff goin around me.i dun knw y GOD is doin dis to me.
Blogger: Happens sometimes. But it happens to everyone. Why are you so worried about that? Will be okay in a week or two. Relax.
2:51 AM        
Soul: Bye then. Cya…
Blogger: You really are drunk! Are ya?
Soul: I dun wanna tlk to ne 1
Blogger: Okay
Soul: cya
2:52 AM       
Blogger: Take care. Try to sleep.
Soul: ya by.thnx

---------------------------------------------------an hour later

4:02 AM        
Soul: r u free or busy??
Blogger: For my own soul? I am always free to listen. Do I have a choice? ;-)
4:04 AM        
Soul: i m worried and yet don’t know y. m so much tense! :(
Blogger: That is strange. No reason huh?
Soul: Ya wdout ny reason
Blogger:Did you had a scuffle with someone?
Soul: Nooooooo. I am just getting irritated!!
4:05 AM       
Blogger: Then what could it be?
Soul: idk.
Blogger: I think you have not slept well or not taken food seriously in last few days
Soul: From last 6 hours i m tryin to go to sleep!
4:06 AM        
Blogger: Oh my God! If I were like that mood, I would have a good bath, have something delicious to eat and go out for a walk.
Soul: hmmmm. gud suggstn. bt its too late to go out
4:08 AM        
Blogger: Or say too early! ;-) its already 4 AM. People will be out of the bed in an hour or two!
Soul: shut up and BYEEEEEEEEE. You are no use talking to.
Blogger: Hey! Did I make you angry? I was just trying to cheer you up!
Soul: yes u did. i m nt kiddin. n nt the kind that keeps up for 6 hrs trying to sleep ya alrdy knw tht
4:09 AM       
Blogger: Even I am not.
Soul: i feel u r laughing @ me..
Blogger: Not at all! Let’s talk then. Are we okay now?
Soul: seems so. if u don’t make mor fun of me.
Blogger: Okay tell me what is it?
Soul:i thnk m tense cuz i feel tht i m out of d league of dis wrld. the ppl i cannot adjst with at all timz. cuz dey nvr think a moment befor sayin ne thing to me. n i wondr wot d hell  r dey made of tht dey nvr feel tht dey hv hurt smone.  dey will keep on shoutin around and telling lies bout me lies every1. I nvr feel like I hv to xplain maself. Why shud I xplain maself whn i m tru inside. bt ultimately ppl think i m wrong cuz I nvr speak out.
4:13 AM
Blogger: I see.
4:15 AM

Blogger: Then you should speak for yourself!
Soul:y shud i defend maself ven m not rong at al?  and in dis stupid world every1 believes the 1 who keeps on shouting "me ! me! me! me!". including u now.
Blogger: You seem to be an honest person stuck in the wrong planet on this universe.
Soul: See you are again lafing @ me. GO AWAY!
Blogger:No I am not. I meant that I see that you are not made for the people where you are straddled with. You are above them all.
4:17 AM  
Soul: i feel like usless. it is so easy for dem to prove me to be usless. i cannot adjust wth der ways. i canot talk in thr ways and every thing. evrywhre i hv been til now i find ppl lyk dis only. so how m i gonna liv dis hol dam lyf? M a DAM WASTE!!
Blogger: Hey wait! Don’t conclude that about yourself yet. One sec, do you believe in GOD?
Soul: a lot
Blogger: Do you think that GOD puts us in diferent situations?
4:23 AM
Soul: yes. all the tym
Blogger: And that its GOD and not the people that puts us in this situation?
Soul: as i m ryt now? yes i think so.
Blogger: Second question. Do you think its GOD and not the people playing around with you?
Soul: i think u r ryt
4:24 AM
Blogger: So when you are in a bad situation (with people) you don’t have to cope with them.
instead, you have to adjust with the situation that GOD has put you in.
If you ignore someone who is not being good to you or you supress your hate towards someone. You are actually proving your worth to GOD who put you up with that person.
4:25 AM 
Soul: wt if i feel dat i m in bad situation due to ma can i justify maself?
Blogger: Again. I would say that GOD makes us make mistakes
4:26 AM
Soul: yeah sounds nice to hear. not practical
Blogger: Listen, even as I am saying this, is because GOD is right now making me say all this to you. There is no millisecond  in your life when he is not watching you, not controlling your and others' actions. So just play around in his plot. :-)
Soul: but....if its so easy to implemnt dis den i think a person cn nvr b tense
4:27 AM  
Blogger: Yes. But to think like that over n over again makes it easy to bear with them
Soul: ryt
4:28 AM  
Blogger: Like if someone bitches against you and humiliates you and you just look up and say, "Oh GOD, see whom you have stuck me with?" and don’t say anything to the person :-)You have just "coped" with the situation.Without any hatred for the person or grudge about yourself.
4:29 AM  
Soul: hmmmmm.  :-)
Blogger: :-)
4:30 AM
Soul: u are 2 gud at practicing dis self cntrl. teach this 2 me also.
4:31 AM
Blogger: Your don't need to learn this from me. You are inside me all the time and actually I learned it from you only during one of your cheerful days:-)
Soul: wtf?? I m not in mood of joking Blogger!! tell me hw i shud change maslf to make my lyf easir.
Blogger: Ok serious. You are perfect. Need to change nothing about you. Just tense. So you can't think straight at the moment. But you have been guiding me when we both conversed with each other while you used to be happy and cheerful. You are just the way GOD wants you to be. If he would want you in some other way, he will have you be that way. So no changes needed.
4:35 AM  
Soul: ok
4:36 AM  
Blogger: But you may hurt yourself when you feel a pressure to retaliate in the most hurting way to someone who, according to you, have insulted you. And you cannot retaliate being so nice on the inside. So you feel guilt when you have acted that way.
Soul: ok maybe. nt sure.
Soul: may b u r correct

Blogger: So I have to say just that you have to sense that pressure to retaliate and then tell yourself that "This is the moment and I am going make it work for me" and then control your responses
Soul: okhey! Then?
4:37 AM  
Blogger: Think and think and then say something lighter
Soul: what lighter? d guy whoz just pissed me, y shud i get into a peace tlk with him?
Blogger: That is because the other person must be lying about some fact or have misunderstood something or is intentionally bending some facts into not-so-favor of yours.
Soul:With me, dis the the case alwyz. what 2 do then? no 1 will agree that dey r lying
Blogger: So if you try and enquire, the offender will be forced to face the true fact. So, the best thing would be to ask the person, "why you think so?" or  what made you say so? or  how you know i did that?  as  politely as possibly manageable by you at that point of time.
4:38 AM 

Soul:what gud wil tht b?
Blogger: Then you will know the real situation why someone acted like that. The offender will then be put into a situation to defend himself and explain his/her act!  Also, there are some people that GOD sends to check your patience and they will irritate you a lot and don’t just get your point. Then telling yourself that you just cannot win an argument with a fool and relax. GOD will be smiling at you.
4:39 AM  
Soul: but what wen u face a situation dat u always help smone do their work as u take them as friends dey dnt care for u u care for them ..  den wt should be done.  stop caring?
Blogger: Stop caring the next time they ask for help.
Soul: dnt cieonsider dem ur frnd?
Blogger: I think yes. Don’t consider them.
Soul: or just help nd never expect nything
Blogger: BOTH!
4:40 AM Help, dont expect and if they dodge you then dont help the next time they are not friends who won;'t help
Soul: i m fed up now!! i canot jst let thm tk advntage of me all d time! what do u do to escape d burden of such situations? you pretend to be the knower of all things. how YOU get by wid such ppl?
Blogger: The satan will fall at your feet and then strangle you at the first opportunity.
4:43 AM
Soul: huh? wot that means? explain.
Blogger: I too sometimes get fed up. So I even sometimes know that I am being taken advantage of, will give away the help and let GOD witness my effort.
Soul: Interesting. Go on…
4:44 AM  
Blogger: I imagine GOD watching me being exploited. Then, in my heart, I say, “GOD, see I am still helping this person. Will you reward me for this sometimes in future?”
Soul: Okay. do u evr gt a reply?
Blogger: I always hear, “Yes, I will never let you down”
Soul: bt smtym I feel dat I whack the idiots so hard that blood runs down thir nosez like anything
4:45 AM  
Blogger: That is when you forget GOD is watching both of yours' actions. Theirs’ and yours both!
Soul: oh, pretty prophetic! gud. then?
4:46 AM   
Blogger: When you want to take control of the Good and Bad then you feel like this. If you always act as if GOD is watching, you will never feel that someone can hurt you at all
Soul: bt i m a confused creature
Blogger: Okay. I tell you something if you can do that
Soul: Okay, i’l try. tll me.
4:48 AM  
Blogger: Imagine that god has a small hidden camera that always follows you and it has a microphone also. He is watching and listening all the time to our words and thoughts alike.
Soul: okey. That means knows also dat a couple of hours ago I had let my steam off on Blogger for someone else’s fault!
Soul: sorry god.  i ll try to change dese things. Forgive me!
4:49 AM  
Blogger: he he, I am fine with that.
Blogger:Even though someone seems happy to have insulted you or teased you or blamed you falsely. He/she will always know in his/her heart what they did to you.
Blogger: They will always have a burden on their minds. They always feel low on confidence and always make fun of others to gain more importance. They are everywhere. They will win an argument over you by saying anything.
4:50 AM  
Blogger: Just remember. GOD-CAMERA-MIC?
Soul: bt dey alwyz show me dwn by lieng nd winning all arguments with me. i hate tht!
Blogger: Winning an argument is not an achievement.You cannot win an argument with people who don’t understand logical reasoning. You can just assume that GOD is watching you deal with them as if it was a responsibility put upon you by GOD himself. Remember that He is watching you and the person in front of you himself. He is making him utter the words that you hear and watching you react. The CAM follows you everywhere. And them too! All are accountable somewhere for every word they said and every finger they pointed and every smile they passed.
4:55 AM 
Soul: wao. damn u GOD! nice cam you got there.
Blogger: What the hell?
Soul: oops. kidding! ;-)
Blogger: Watch that kid! Seems you are recovering now.
Soul: after wasting a night, i shud b.
Blogger: Ya, and you wasted mine too. At 5, there is no use sleeping now or trying to.
Soul:i m 2 tired to stay up nw. im gonna sleep.
Blogger: Sleep at 5 AM?
Soul: at 5 AM yes.So? You are my body. my slave!!
Blogger:Here goes...Good night folks. Or Good morning.
4:59 AM